Week #2!
My second week at school was really nice too. I also feel a little bit more at home at my apartment. It's still not absolutely finished but it's getting there.I have so many plans for things I'd like to sew but I'm not sure yet when I'll find the time for it. The weekends at home are way too short and it looks like it will get a lot busier during the week as well now that the seminars have started and all the instructors have told us what they expect from us.
On Wednesday all the new trainee teachers went on a little trip through the county. We were so lucky with the weather and I enjoyed some of the places we visited immensely. Like for example an old mill that is turned into some kind of a museum and that is still functioning. I'll most definitely visit it again!Since I live in a water mill now too I felt directly addressed by the good luck sign for millers:
In the evening we drove to the moor land where about fifty thousand cranes are taking a rest on their way to Soutern Europe. I so wished we could have spend more time there. It really is an amazing view to see them all come in from the fields. Of course I didn't think of taking my big lense and could only take crappy pictures. I guess I need to go there again too.
All in all I really had a good week but I was still a little down. I still don't have a phone or internet access and I do feel quite lonely there once school is out, even though everybody in my little town is super nice. I was hoping to find some other trainee teachers that live close by but I had no luck at all! I'm actually starting to think about joining some sort of club or group. Even Tupperware parties become a lot more appealing to me than I ever expected...
5 Kommentare:
It is nice to hear from you Nicole! I too can't wait until you have internet access at your flat. I know you will feel at home soon and have lots of new friends.
Tupperware? Oh, dann muss die Verzweiflung schon groß sein ;-))...
Liebe Nicole, du hast es so schön da, wo auch immer du jetzt bist. Ich hoffe, du findest schnell Anschluss, denn was nützt der gemütlichste Platz, wenn man ihn mit niemandem teilen kann. Ich kann dich gut verstehen.
Aber die Bilder sind sehr schön und wenn die dunklen Jahreszeiten vorbei sind, wirst du dich dort fühlen wie im Urlaub.
Ich drück dir die Daumen, dass du schnell wieder mit der Welt verbunden bist!
Liebe Grüße aus HH,
Nice photos and I'm happy to hear about your week!
I'm sure you won't feel lonely much longer! You'll get to know people and when you have internet access you have all your online friends too! We're all just an e-mail away. No need to get into Tupperware! You never know what will lead to ;-)
Thank you, Shanda and Em! I can't wait to have my internet access back so I can "hear" from you all more often!
Tja Susanne, in der Tat: die Verzweiflung wächst und meine erste Tupperparty liegt schon hinter mir. Wie schlimm ist es, wenn ich dir nun sage, dass ich es gar nicht übel fand?!
Der Internet- und auch der Telefonanschluss lassen leider weiter auf sich warten... blöde Alice-Trine!!!
Ich gestehe, ich habe das früher auch gemacht. So vor ca. 10 Jahren war meine letzte. Als dann die „Wilde Hilde“ (wie wir die Tupperberaterin nannten) erzählt hat, dass ihr Mann seine Nägel und Schrauben und sie ihre Ta.mpons darin aufbewahrt, war's ein für alle mal vorbei.
Aber mein Schrank ist noch voll davon ;-) und das wiederum spricht für die Qualität.
Nicht schlimm also ;-)!
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