Happy New Year 2009!
Our New Year's Eve was pretty good. Not that exciting but quite relaxing. With some Schmalzkuchen I made. (I used the same recipe as here for the dough but added a little bit of extra sugar, cut them into little rectangles, let them rise again and fried them in sunflower oil for a few minutes).They turned out so yummy that even my Dad (who is my worst critic) asked for a second (and third) serving.
We watched some TV, had a nice dinner and played Coloretto for hours.
We met our neighbors on the street at midnight to wish them a Happy New Year and headed back inside quickly because it was really really cold.
School is going to start again on Wednesday and I'll spend my last couple of days off with reading books about teaching German to 1st graders. Such an interesting subject but also a sort of scary idea to be responsible for this very first and super important year... I want to do it right!
3 Kommentare:
Mmmh! Die sehen aber wirklich lecker aus!
Ich bin auch Lehrerin,aber zur Zeit im Erziehungsurlaub. Ich freue mich darauf,dieses Jahr wieder zu unterrichten. Bis dahin nutz ich die Zeit zum Nähen und neuerdings zum Bloggen.
Liebe Nicole,
ich glaube, ich muss mich selbst bei dir zum Essen einladen! Davon koennte ich gerade seeehr viel verdruecken! Liebe Gruesse von einer hungrigen Hanna.
Thank you so much Nicole... Hugo is watching over us from the green fields over the Rainbow Bridge, and must have sent his blessings to Miss Eve, as she's coming home tonight with a new husbun, Bing :)
Happy New Year to you and yours,
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