All of the time I wanted to take part in a swap and all of the time I was too late to sign up. Not anymore! This time I was there in time and I think that this swap is even more than perfect. I always worry if being a vegan will maybe make it too complicated for a swap partner. In this case the whole swap will be vegan! Crafting and veganism together - could it be any greater than this?!
There's still time to sign up for this swap and you don't have to be vegan to take part, so hurry over to Vegan Pal 2 and check it out!

Part of Vegan Pal 2 is a questionnaire. Here's mine:
1. What is/are your craft(s), & how long have you been doing it/them?
Right now I’m mostly into sewing, but I also love cross stitching, knitting and crocheting. Knitting and crocheting are the crafts I’ve been doing for the longest time. I think my grandmother taught me when I was about 5, but there were lots of times when I wasn’t into it at all. My big cross stitch phase started 3 years ago and sewing shortly after that.
2. Are you a vegan, vegetarian, veg-curious, veg-friendly or other?
I’m vegan.
3. Is this your first swap, or have you done previous swaps before? What makes a swap enjoyable for you?
This is my second swap (and hopefully the first one where I’ll receive something too). I love to go out and try to find things people might enjoy. Of course I also love receiving something nice, especially when it’s something I can’t get around here. I can get very exited about little stuff (like for example a package of baking power in a nice foreign tin!).
4. What is/are your favorite color(s)? Do you particularly dislike any color(s)?
Tricky! It always depends on the purpose. In general I’d say I prefer softer colors and earthy tones. I love the natural shades of that great Pakucho yarn I keep seeing on various blogs and I also like variegated sock yarn.
5. Do you have any allergies (such as pets, foods, fibers or cigarette smoke)?
None that would matter here.
6. Do you have any companion animals? If so, name(s) and type(s)?
We share our house with Lale (a black lab-mix), Jury and Mücke (two cats)... or do they share the house with us?
7. Do you collect anything?
No, I don’t, but of course I do love yarn, fabric and trim. Plus I can never resist nice pens, rubber stamps and stickers (stuff for scrapbooking in general).
8. Do you have a favorite vegan food, snack or dish? If no fav that's vegan (for those who aren't vegan), what's your favorite food? (Hopefully your pal can find a vegan version!)
Cupcakes! I love them and any sweet stuff in general. Cakes, cookies, chocolate, candy... you name it.
I know Liquid Smoke ain’t food, but it’s something I’d love to get hold of, because I have a lot of vegan recipes that call for it and I’d love to try those out.
9. What are some of your favorite/least favorite tastes/flavors? (e.g. sweet, salty, chocolate, crunchy, smooth, tart, sour, spicy, thai, whatever - Help your pal get a feel for what kind of recipes you might like and/or never ever make.)
I love all of the above except for spicy and thai. Since the swap is fall related I think I should mention here that I can’t stand the taste or smell of pumpkins. Pumpkins look great and make very pretty decoration, but I’ll never ever eat them! Same with curry flavored food.
10. What tools/supplies/accessories for your craft(s) are you wishing you had but don't? Also, what do you have TOO many of? (basically a wish and anti-wish list)
TOO many? Is there such a thing? I think I’m pretty well stacked, but I don’t have any stitch markers and hardly any crocheting hooks in very small or large sizes.
11. Are you on Ravelry? What's your handle?
No, I’m not! I’m always the last to find out about nice stuff like that.
12. Is there anything else you would like your pal to know about you?
I’m really happy to be part of this swap. I’m sure I’ll love everything you choose. Just receiving a parcel (from a foreign place) is almost all it takes to make me happy! I’m glad I got you!
13. What scents do you like/dislike?
I like vanilla, chocolate and fruity scents. I don’t like mint, coco and banana that much. Pumpkin is probably the only no go. In general I prefer light and fresh scents.
14. Do you prefer fall or Halloween or some other Autumn theme?
15. Just for fun - tell your favorite Halloween or Autumn related memory.
I used to like every season of the year and didn’t mind the darker times at all. That changed a bit in the last two years. What I love about fall is the wind, the pretty trees, getting comfy in the evening with candle light, cookies and crafts. What I really don’t like, is leaving the house when it’s still dark and returning when it’s dark already. That sometimes really gets me down. So getting cheered up by a parcel that’s waiting for me, will be perfect!