I'm going to participate at the

Registration is still open, so hurry over there and get the details. I know this is going to be a fun swap!
Here's the questionnaire (Most of you won't be very interested in those details so you can skip right to the bottom of this post, where I'll show you something pretty!):
What are your favorite kinds of coffee? (Brands, Roasts, anything at all you'd like to share!)
I’ve got to admit that I’m not a very big coffee fan. I don’t drink it regularly. And even though I’d say that my taste buds are quite good when it comes to food, I must admit that I can’t really taste much of a difference when it comes to coffee brands or roasts... shocking, right? I’m very willing to learn though and my mom will probably very happy to help me here!
Do you prefer whole bean or ground coffee?
It gets worse. I’d say instant would be good, since we only have a Nespresso machine and no regular coffee maker. Whole beans would be fantastic too though. My parents, who are our next door neighbors, have a super fancy coffee maker (something like this) and I’d love to go over there to have a cup of “my” coffee with them.
This time of year, there are often Holiday Blends available, and many flavored coffees - do you drink flavored coffee? Do you enjoy special blends?
Flavored coffee is the best thing ever! Vanilla, cinnamon, Lebkuchen, ... I’ll try everything!
How do you take your coffee? Cream and Sugar? Straight up? Decaf?
No coffee for me without soy milk and sugar/flavored syrup!
Do you prefer drinking from a nice thick mug, or a matched cup and saucer?
A big mug is wonderful, but a travel mug is in most cases even better!
Winter and Holidays - PLEASE be descriptive! Your pal will need this information to be sure to put together a package you will enjoy!
What is your favorite part of Winter?
Let it snow and I’m happy! Well, I might have to say it has to be “good” snow, the kind that sticks around for a while and will let you build snowmen.
Do you celebrate a holiday in December, and if so, which holiday?
If you celebrate Christmas, do you put up a tree?
Unfortunately our house is so small that there is actually no room for a tree, but I always get some twigs and decorate those... as well as the rest of the house.
Would you enjoy items related to the holiday, or would you prefer a Winter themed package?
Tough question. I think I’d go with Winter themed, but if my swap partner finds something holiday related that she or he (yeah right!) likes better it’s fine with me, too.
Do you collect anything? Are there any holiday or winter-themed items (Snowmen, Angels, Snowflakes, Santas, etc) that you collect?
No, I don’t. I do like snowflakes a lot though.
Do you wear scarves? Mittens? Hats?
Yes, I do. Love them! (And can’t seem to stop knitting hats these days...)
What is your favorite holiday or winter treat?
Anything that’s vegan. (Did I mention I’m vegan before? Well, I am and I really hope this is not causing too much trouble for my swap partner! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I don't want to be complicated and I don't really think I am...) I’m quite easy to please when it comes to food. Cookies and chocolate will always work for me.
Please share a favorite Winter or Holiday memory.
I’m not good at this... Let’s just say this would be my perfect winter:
(Please note: It needs to have a decent amount of snow and at least partly blue skies!)
Yarn and Crafting
Do you Knit or Crochet? For how long?
I knit and crochet. For a really long time! My great-grandmother taught me at a very early age. Both crafts are very much related to the Fall and Winter season though and I always make just fairly small projects.
Do you like wooden, metal, or plastic needles\hooks? Circular or straight?
Almost anything will work for me. There might be a tiny preference for bamboo or wood though. dpn’s are great, but I don’t like straight needles too much... I keep poking myself with those. I don’t know why.
What sort of projects do you enjoy making?
As I said I sort of only make small projects. I love hats, mittens, scarves and socks. But wait socks almost don’t count as a small project for me. Doing the same thing twice is just too boring for me. Therefore I’ll sometimes try to get my mom to knit the second one.
What are your favorite types of yarn to work with?
Everything vegan is perfect. Cotton and bamboo (blends) are types I love, but I’d also love to try out yarns made of soy or corn (those are types that are impossible to get around here!).
Do you spin or dye?
Do you do other crafts such as scrapbooking or needlepoint or anything else?
Sewing, counted cross stitch: I love it!
Scrapbooking: I love it too, but not for making a photo album. Instead I love making tags or cards and small stuff like that.
When is your birthday?
November 19th
Do you have any children? (Furry kind count!)
I don’t have any children. We share our house with two cats and a dogs though.
What are your favorite colors?
It really depends on the project I’d say. For socks almost anything will go – variegated yarn is something I love for socks! For scarves and mittens it would probably be more earthy or softer tones, nothing extremely bright.
Edited (because I didn't notice this was more like a general question): If you look at my blog you might think my favorite color is pink, but in fact that is not true. If I had to choose one color only it would be a soft green, but in general I like almost any color, as long as they are not neon or sort of close to neon. I always thought I didn't like blue that much, but found out that is not true, if it's a softer tone.
Our living room is mostly green with spots of pink and red here and there, while our kitchen is mostly yellow with some red and orange. Any color will be fine for bedroom or bathroom.
It's easy! You can't go wrong here!
Do you have any allergies?
None that would matter here, but as mentioned once or twice before: I’m a vegan. So please no animal products or fibres for me. Wait, a skein of cotton yarn covered in cat hair would be fine! I have some of that already.
Now, here's a sneak peek of something amazingly pretty I got yesterday. My Vegan Pal 2 package arrived. I'm still so exited...

I'll give you the details in an instant!