15. November 2007

We are off!

Pretty soon we will be off to Denmark for a couple of days.
Lale running
Going on vacation with us is Lale's most favorite thing.
Eventhough I will have to study a lot I will also enjoy watching her go crazy on the beach.

See ya when we return!

6 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Have fun and take lots of pics so we can all live vacariously through your vacation! :)

Anonym hat gesagt…

Meine liebe Nicole,
ich wuensche dir richtig tolle Tage in Daenemark! Hildi und ich werden dich sehr vermissen. Viele Kuesse, Hanna.

torrance hat gesagt…

Have a nice trip!

About the fabric swap: I'm very sorry but I don't have enough of it left. And right now don't have enough money to buy more. But when I have more money and if they still sell it then I will let you know! :)

Anonym hat gesagt…

So, jetzt ist aber Schluss! Komm endlich nach Hause!! Ohne dich ist es hier gar nicht schoen! Hanna

YowlYY hat gesagt…

Hi Nicole, I hope you had a nice holiday and the exam went well?? Btw, how was your birthday?? I hope you got seriously spoiled and received loads of presents. Just let us know how these days were for you, hopefully with plenty of nice pics :)

Anonym hat gesagt…

What a great photo! I hope you have a wonderful vacation!