I started another hat. This time supposedly for myself, using the green colorways of the Debbie Bliss Pure Cotton and after my mom told me she really liked the striped one I started before, I figured I should give it another try.
I got as far as this:Then I tried it on and it didn't look good. Yeah, I know one doesn't look good with needles on top of your head, but that's not what I mean. I believe I would need a different edging, something more like the one I made for the last hat. So now comes the sighing part. I need to frog a striped hat... AGAIN!
Or (and I noticed this accidentely): Go figure! I obviously have a huge head, because it could also become a baby sweater instead.Well, I guess it's a wee bit too small for that and actually if I'd knit some sort of clothing for a baby I believe I'd much rather make a jacket.
So, sigh again and start frogging, Nicole!
1 Kommentar:
Nice color choice though!
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